The truth is... some are, and others are not. The difference lies in those who work with professional resume writers vs. those who attempt it on their own, or ask a friend to do it. A highly skilled resume writer( and not all are as skilled as us) knows how to make your resume stand out and employs the use of keywords to get past ATS tracking sys...
Read MoreThe annual inflation rate will cost every household $5200 a year. However, that is net. You will have to gross approximately $8000 a year to net $5200. Over a 4 year period that's $32,000. It is highly unlikely that your employer will provide you with this much in annual pay increases. Therefore, the only way to come up with an extra $32,000 is t...
Read MoreSo many of our clients believe that they can interview exceptionally well, only to discover that this isn't really the case. The key to a great interview is preparation for the unanticipated. No matter how many books you read on interviewing skills, no one can definitively predict the questions that you will be asked. So how can you be ready for...
Read MoreInflation is running at a rate of 10% and may climb higher. It is highly unlikely that employers will match salary increases with inflation rates. This means that your disposable income will drop year over year. The only remedy is searching for positions where you can obtain a higher salary. At Resumes Etc, this is what we do best. We position yo...
Read MoreThere are certain individuals who are extremely gifted at corporate politics. They know how to schmooze and what end to kiss in order to achieve their career goals. They rely on their political skills because they lack the real skills needed to get results and to earn recognition for measurable accomplishments. Then there are the "Doers". They ar...
Read MoreWhether we are fighting for democracy, a better work culture or quality of life, Victory goes to those with COURAGE. The Ukrainians are serving as a source of motivation and inspiration. Their message is that we must fight for what we know is right. We must fight for what we believe we deserve. We must fight to pursue our goals. It doesn't matter...
Read MoreThere are a number of factors that contribute to unhappiness, and anyone or more of these factors can make your professional life miserable. 1) A negative culture where you are managed by threats and intimidation. 2) An immediate supervisor from hell. 3) No career growth. 4) Lack of pay increases , or pay increases that do not keep up with inflat...
Read MoreThere are many benefits to having a career coach, and living without these benefits can really short change your career. 1) A career coach performs ongoing research to identify occupations and industries experiencing growth vs decline in order to point you in the right direction. 2) A career coach will assess your skills, your passions and your...
Read MoreThere are far too many professionals stuck in jobs and in work environments that are highly negative. When it comes to getting out and finding a far better situation, they become their own worst enemy. They suffer from " what if " syndrome, where they ask a lot of negative questions. What if I don't like it there? What if they fire me ? What if i...
Read MoreDid you know that the average close rate on job interviews is 10%. That means the average person gets 1 offer for every 10 job interviews. The close rate for our clients is 50%. Here's why!!!. 1) How the resume flows is how the interview goes. Your resume dictates how your job interview goes. That's right!!. A powerful and dynamic resume results...
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