Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Andrea Tholen, March 28 2022

Turning job interviews into job offers.

So many of our clients believe that they can interview exceptionally well, only to discover that this isn't really the case. The key to a great interview is preparation for the unanticipated. No matter how many books you read on interviewing skills, no one can definitively predict the questions that you will be asked. So how can you be ready for every conceivable inter question? The answer lies in your knowledge base.  When you are exceptionally good at what you do, no question will result in a bad answer. The reason is simple. You know your stuff. At Resumes Etc., we work on increasing the knowledge base of our clients in their respective fields. Once that knowledge base is achieved, they can formulate an impressive response to any question. If you are looking to ace nearly every interview, give us a call and turn your interviews into offers.

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Andrea Tholen

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