Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Andrea Tholen, March 30 2022

The Top 10 Job Interview Killers!

1) You think that you're a great interview and that you don't need any coaching. 

2) You can't provide details and "how to" explanations regarding accomplishments listed on your resume. 

3) You have a weak resume which often results in a weak interview. 

4) You talk way too much or you don't talk enough. Ideally, a one minute response to a question is perfect, as long as you can articulate an intelligent response in 60 seconds. 

5) You don't take notes during the interview. 

6) You don't maintain good eye contact. 

7) When it comes to asking questions, you're focused on what the employer can do for you, rather than the other way around. 

8) You try to have an answer for every question when sometimes saying "I don't know" is the right response. 

9) You're cocky vs confident, or you exude far too little confidence. 

10) You never send a thank you note or email.

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Written by

Andrea Tholen

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