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Should you prepare your own resume?

Andrea Tholen, July 22 2024

My response is to ask a different question: Should you be your own doctor, lawyer, or accountant? It’s always better to work with a true professional in this field. Unfortunately, many so-called resume writers lack the credentials and experience needed to provide what you really need. Some may claim to be certified resume writers, but anyone...

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The advantages of bundling to achieve your career goals:

Andrea Tholen, July 19 2024

In most cases, a resume alone is not enough to land your dream job. It may take some powerful cover letters, an impressive LinkedIn profile, interview skills and assistance with job searches. Everyone is unique, and so are their needs. If you are an individual who needs a more comprehensive strategy, ask about how we bundle our prices to make...

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How do you pick the absolute best resume writer?

Andrea Tholen, July 18 2024

The answer lies in one word: "knowledge." When evaluating a resume writer, ask them challenging questions about your occupation and industry. Whether you're a C-level executive, manager, or professional, test their expertise. It could be healthcare, finance, supply chain, marketing, production, or any other field. A skilled resume writer should...

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Seniors are returning back to the workforce in large numbers:

Andrea Tholen, July 17 2024

We are seeing seniors between 65 and 75 returning to the workforce in large numbers, seeking full-time or part-time work. Inflation is eating into their fixed incomes, and they need to survive. To address this, we have developed a strategy that focuses on leveraging their experience while minimizing age discrimination. By highlighting their...

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Liberal arts college graduates:

Andrea Tholen, July 16 2024

Many liberal arts students struggle to find jobs in the business sector. The primary reason is their lack of awareness of the type of jobs that they should target, where specific careers value liberal arts degrees. At Resumes Etc, we have a detailed knowledge of the market and associated career opportunities. This enables us to educate liberal...

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Should I write my own resume?

Andrea Tholen, July 9 2024

Not if you want a lot of interviews. A highly skilled resume writer( should be a MBA, former corporate exec and widely published) understands that a resume needs to accomplish several objectives. It has to WOW the reader by demonstrating the value you can bring to an organization. It has to convey that you are results driven and can contribute...

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How long should my resume be?

Andrea Tholen, June 20 2024

The ideal length of a resume has been a topic of debate among job seekers and professionals. Generally, a one-page resume is considered optimal for recent graduates, entry-level candidates, or those with less than ten years of experience. This concise format ensures that only the most relevant and impactful information is presented, making it...

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How important is a powerful linkedin profile?

Andrea Tholen, June 12 2024

Let's put it this way. Many of our clients are getting great interview opportunities from our linkedin profiles. Linkedin is quickly becoming a favorite source of talent for employers and recruiters. Given this fact, we have become true gurus in creation of profiles that WOW readers. We convert your career into a compelling story that...

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How the resume flows is how the interview goes:

Andrea Tholen, June 10 2024

It is imperative to understand that the content of your resume will determine the outcome of your job interview. Let me illustrate what I mean. Let's say that you are interviewing for a role as a project manager. You want your resume content to reflect your wealth of skills in this role. For example; You may state that you work well in a...

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What 2 questions should a resume answer?

Andrea Tholen, June 7 2024

When reviewing resumes, a hiring manager will ask him/herself 2 questions. Why would I want to meet this person, and what value can this person bring to my company? The goal of a well composed resume and cover letter is to build content into the resume that answers these questions. A powerful resume entices the reader and leaves them with the...

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