Resumes Since 1991


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LinkedIn Profiles

LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool to reach a large audience and to advance your career through on-line marketing.  However, LinkedIn limits you to 500 words, which equals approximately 1 minute of read time.  How can you reduce your entire career to 500 words and 1 minute of read time in a powerful and persuasive manner?  It is a very difficult task, one that should be accomplished with the help of proven experts.  At Resumes Etc, we have prepared over 1,000 LinkedIn Profile with great success.  Our approach ensures the achievement of five key objectives.

  • Make the profile entertaining and informative so that the reader doesn’t lose interest.
  • “WOW” the reader making it difficult to be ignored.
  • Relate to the reader by selling yourself as a value added and results driven professional.
  • Communicate your philosophy, work ethic, personal values, core competencies and hands-on experience.
  • Provide quantitative and qualified results.
  • We have over 1200 LinkedIn Endorsements

Below is the profile of Alfred Mariani, President of Resumes Etc, which is an example of our work and how we achieve the “WOW” factor.

Alfred Mariani’s Linked IN Profile – Click This Link To View

Here are a few examples of what we can do for you.

Linked-In Profile
Ann Southern

       Ann has been a highly successful Information Technology Manager with over ten years of hands-on and leadership experience, with expertise in applications development and network operations.  An has spearheaded numerous automation initiatives including design and installation of LANS and WANS, major network conversions and upgrades, workstation set-ups, relocations, and applications development covering finance, logistics, inventory management, production, control, etc.

Ann’s success is attributed to her ability to recruit, coach and mentor high performance teams.  She has changed the paradigm of IT from a cost center to a value-added group.  This transition was achieved by aligning IT solutions to the broader needs of business units, resulting in cost efficiencies, leaner operations productivity improvements, and bottom-line profitability.  She has established collaborative working partnerships with her internal customers by sharing ownership and accountability for shared goals, while also serving as a catalyst for positive change.  As a Project Manager, Ann uses a collaborative approach to obtain buy-ins from all project stakeholders, while keeping project participants on-target at all times.

Ann is a strategic visionary who effectively uses goals and key metrics to avoid crisis by remaining ahead of the curve.  She anticipates all the “what ifs” and builds in contingencies.  She is a graduate of the University of Virginia, earning a Master of Science in Computer Technology.

Linked-In Profile
Ms. Katherine Brooks

       Kathy as been a highly successful Supply Chain Manager working with Fortune 500 companies.  Her primary mission is to research and source-out global vendors with the ability to meet with production requirements, and to satisfy quality standards and Best Practices.  Once suppliers are approved, Kathy works to establish a supply chain infrastructure that moves products from vendors to warehouses, and to end user customers in a timely manner.

While in this role, Kathy has developed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to increase supplier ownership and accountability for results.  She works in collaboration with internal business units to improve forecasting capabilities as a means of ensuring product availability to meet with consumer demand, and to maximize revenue growth.  She built strategic partnerships with suppliers, transportation/warehousing and business units to build consensus and support for positive change and shared goals.  She facilitates cross-functional team to obtain ongoing feedback from her internal customers.  Her approach includes real-time analytics, taking a proactive versus reactive response to problems and opportunities.  She streamlined and re-engineered workflows and processes to achieve leaner operations, while also improving overall productivity and service deliverables.  Her efforts resulted in a cost reduction to budget of 12%, while her company grew by $87 million in annual sales revenue.  Kathy is a graduate of State University of New York (S.U.N.Y.) Albany where she earned her Master of Business Administration in Operations Management.

Linked-In ProfileMark Carrington

       Mark has over twenty years of experience as a Transportation/Fleet Manager in the courier industry.  He is responsible for over 150 trucks and vans, as well as workforce of 200 employees comprised of Drivers, Dispatchers, Schedulers, and Mechanics.

       Mark has focused his efforts on preventative maintenance and timely repairs in order to minimize fleet downtime and maximize availability for vehicles.  He as a key participate in the design and implementation of a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM) to track, monitor and report on Driver performance and delivery dates/times.  He has used real-time data collection, analysis and trending, which serves as a baseline for continuous improvement, cost efficiencies, productivity gains, enhanced service levels, and profitability.  Mark maintains a continuous dialogue with his customers, using feedback and surveys to exceed their expectations.  His efforts have contributed to customers’ retention and loyalty of 98%, improved on-time deliveries from 89% to 98%, and an increase in Driver productivity by 13%.  Under his leadership, fleet downtime improved from 8% to 3%, and customer satisfaction levels reached 96.5%, the highest in the company’s history.  Mark’s record of achievements are complemented by earning a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of North Carolina, while also working full-time.

Executive Profile
Randolph Hoffman

       Randolph is the President and CEO of Computer Analytics Corp. (CAC), a provider of market research and analytics software.  He assumed his present role in 2004 when the company’s annual revenues were $3.5 million, with a net loss of $500K.

Randolph quickly recognized that CAC was not targeting mid-market clients, focusing instead on major accounts.  He viewed mid-size accounts as a market segment seeking to grow their businesses, while also being sensitive to their cash flow.  Randolph developed market penetration strategies targeting these accounts and providing payment plan options to address their cash flow issues.  Within two years, CAC increased annual sales revenue from $3.5 million to $12.3 million.

Randolph then refocused on major accounts and restructured his sales force to become industry specific.  His approach required a sales team with strong expertise in specific market segments, earning credibility with prospective clients.  Within three years, revenues in this market doubled and annual company sales grew to $15 million.

Randolph reduced operating cost by 15% by bringing Software Engineers in-house.  He developed off the shelf software that was industry specific and more affordable, which opened up the mid-size market even more and grew annual revenues to over $20 million.

Randolph worked closely with his CFO to improve internal cost controls and methods of tracking expenses on a real-time basis.  The company’s finances improved dramatically resulting in the opening of three new offices in previously untapped geographic regions.

Randolph earned his Master of Business Administration degree in Marketing from Fordham University and lives in Westchester County, New York, with his wife and two children.

Linked-In Profile
Virginia Demao

       Virginia is an Executive Secretary reporting directly to the COO of a $50 million manufacturing company.  She handles all correspondence, meeting planning, travel arrangements, expense reports, special events, and coordination of the annual budget.

She has always believed that the role of an Executive Secretary must be that of a true right-hand assistant.  She has assumed increasing levels of responsibility, allowing the COO more time to focus on strategic planning.  Virginia coordinates special projects, communicates cross-functionally with all business units, prepares customized spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations, and serves as a primary liaison to major clients, department heads and business partners.  Virginia has helped to combine automation with process improvements and streamlined operations, contributing to a lean and cost effective operation.  She takes great pride in personal ownership and accountability for assigned goals, which consistently adds value to her employer.  She is highly proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and earned her Secretarial Diploma from Berkeley Business School.

A Professionally written LinkedIn Profile could make the difference in landing a great job

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