The last thing anyone should do is assume that their job is safe. Wishful thinking often results in being walked out the door, much to your shock and surprise. The best strategy is to be proactive vs reactive and move from recession sensitive occupations and industries, to those that are recession proof. At Resumes Etc, this is the strategy we...
Read MoreIn difficult economic times, occupations and industries can become antiquated making it hard to find another position. Our job is to reinvent you and ensure the transferability of your skills to roles that are in greater demand, or roles that inspire your passions. Give us a call sp we can help you reinvent
Read MoreMore and more employers are asking senior level job candidates for a 30/60/90 day plan as part of the job interview process. We have specialized in these plans for over 20 years. Alfred ( Fred ) Mariani, has 2 MBA degrees, 20 years as a Fortune 500 executive, 12 years as an MBA professor, and a consultant to CEO's and COO's, with numerous publicati...
Read MoreI learned at a very young age that having a mentor was the best career decision I ever made. I became a sponge, asking as many questions as possible. I maintained this relationship for most of my professional life resulting in many promotions and rapid career advancement. I now have a list of clients ranging from administrative to Vice Presidents....
Read MoreWe are now in a period of "stagflation", which combines a recession with hyper-inflation. When we have an inflation rate of 8.9%, it has to be put into proper perspective. If you receive an annual pay increase of 5%, your net income after federal, state taxes and FICA is approximately 3%, but inflation of 8.9% is net/net. In other words, your dispo...
Read MoreThe first thing is to avoid the 1-800 cookie cutter services, many of which are located overseas using a call center type operation. The most important factor is the credentials of the person you will be working with. Don't be impressed with certifications that are usually obtained with a 5-day course. With most of these certifications you can have...
Read MoreMore and more employers are looking at character and personal values as key components of the hiring decision making process. Their philosophy is that anyone can be trained on skill sets, but character can't be taught. Character and values are also an important considerations when hiring managers, directors and VP's because it defines their leade...
Read MoreUnfortunately, career progression and survival in today's corporate environment relies on much more than results. Results are important, but results without being politically savvy can still cost you a promotion or a job. Alfred ( Fred ) Mariani, of Resumes Etc., has coached many professionals at all levels on the art of corporate politics. He ha...
Read MoreIts actually quite simple... when individuals use a personal coach, their career growth far exceeds those who do not. Supervisors want to become Managers; Managers want to become Directors; Directors want to become VP's and so on. Our coach is Alfred( Fred) Mariani, nationally known for propelling the careers of many of our clients. Best of all,...
Read MoreIn today's competitive job market, a resume has to address several key issues. First, it has to be keyworded to get past ATS tracking systems. Second, it has to be dynamic and an impressive selling piece, not a job description. Third, It has to answer 2 questions that a hiring manager will ask. Why would I want to meet you? What value can you br...
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