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The Future Of Corporate Downsizing

The future of Corporate Downsizing

How to deal with a horrible boss:

Christopher Mariani, November 15 2022

As a general rule, horrible bosses should have a short shelf life in a positive work culture. However, if this particular boss has survived for a long period of time, it tells me two things. Either he/she is operating in a negative culture which supports his/her leadership style, or this person is well connected and protected by the higher ups....

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

What are the hallmarks of a negative work culture?

Christopher Mariani, November 14 2022

Whenever you are considering a move to another employer, you want to ensure that it's the right move. The last thing you need is a toxic work environment. So here are the key factors that you need to research in order to evaluate a corporate culture. These factors include: employee turnover rate, average tenure of employees, percentage of...

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

How to survive a recession:

Christopher Mariani, October 24 2022

The last thing anyone should do is assume that their job is safe. Wishful thinking often results in being walked out the door, much to your shock and surprise. The best strategy is to be proactive vs reactive and move from recession sensitive occupations and industries, to those that are recession proof. At Resumes Etc, this is the strategy we...

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

Free Resume or LinkedIn Profile Update...

Christopher Mariani, October 18 2022

We want to show our appreciation to the many clients that refer people to us. So we will provide a free resume or LinkedIn profile update, if we receive a referral from you. This offer will last until 11/11/22. It's our way of saying thank you! Resumes Etc. can be reached at:CONTACT

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

Inflation, inflation, inflation...

Christopher Mariani, September 22 2022

I must admit that I am getting mixed signals. The Fed keeps raising interest rates, but then we are printing billions of dollars that we don't have, which will devalue our currency. We want to avoid a recession, but higher interest rates will hurt the housing industry which is 15-18% of GDP, and we are already seeing layoffs in the mortgage industr...

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

Mastering the art of corporate politics:

Christopher Mariani, August 30 2022

You can be as talented and productive as humanly possible, but if you are not skilled at corporate politics, your career advancement and job security will suffer. I created a program years ago titled "Mastering the Art of Corporate Politics" and a large university included it in their continuing education program. The course set all kinds of attend...

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

Mass September hiring:

Christopher Mariani, August 25 2020

Companies are gearing up for a major economic recovery. Employers are posting jobs in record numbers. If you check the job boards you will see a substantial increase in postings. Most economists are forecasting a 20% economic growth for the remainder of the  year and the stock market validates this forecast. Now is a great time to get your resume...

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The future of Corporate Downsizing

The future of Corporate Downsizing...

Alfred Mariani, February 12 2019

Now that the US economy is on the rebound, will it mean an end to corporate downsizing? The short answer is yes and no. Companies will combine adding jobs with eliminating jobs. This sounds like a contradiction, but it really isn't. Companies have learned from prior economic growth periods that if you over build your workforce, you will pay the p...

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