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Professional Resume Writing

Professional Resume Writing

What are the indicators of a positive work culture?

Alfred Mariani, December 6 2023

1) Low employee turnover rates. 2) Long-term employee tenures. 3) Promotions from within. 4) Investment in employee development.5) Work life balance.6) good benefits. 7) Employee empowerment. 8) A commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.9) Good pay and fair market value for job responsibilities.10) Avoidance of

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Professional Resume Writing

A resume is your personal story:

Alfred Mariani, December 5 2023

A powerful resume should not be limited to just job titles and responsibilities. Employers want to know as much about you as possible. Our approach is to design your resume so that it tells your story. It's about your skills, accomplishments, passions, personal values, and how your character fits with an employer's culture. Employers want to...

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Professional Resume Writing

LinkedIn profiles:

Alfred Mariani, November 29 2023

LinkedIn is arguably one of the top sources of talent for employers and recruiters. Given this fact, we create LinkedIn profiles that are powerful and keyworded. Our profiles bring out all facets of your background. It's a complete 360 view of who you are and what you can bring to an employer. Our profiles are so powerful that our clients are...

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Professional Resume Writing

Are you looking for a career change?

Andrea Tholen, October 16 2023

At Resumes Etc. we specialize in transitioning our clients to their dream career, and we help them if they are seeking guidance about identifying meaningful career options. A career change coach must possess a variety of skills. He/she must conduct a detailed skills assessment to determine which careers the client's skills are transferable to,...

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Professional Resume Writing

What are Career Competencies?

Christopher Mariani, April 3 2023

Career competencies are the skills, knowledge, and abilities that individuals need to be successful in their chosen career path. They are the combination of personal attributes, technical skills, and professional expertise that enable individuals to perform their job effectively and

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Professional Resume Writing

Is the Economy still growing...

Alfred Mariani, November 7 2022

The 3rd quarter economic report is in, and the economy grew at a healthy 2.6%. This means that many recession fears have not materialized. Given this growth, companies are still in a hiring mode. Economists believe that the main catalyst for growth are employers coming out of the pandemic and pursuing growth initiatives. This is a good time to...

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Professional Resume Writing

What is the key to getting my resume noticed along with a good number of job interviews?

Alfred Mariani, October 17 2022

I have been in this field for 30 years and I am still amazed at the number of weak resumes I see. Over 90% of our clients create resumes that look like a job description vs a marketing piece.  This doesn't surprise me since job seekers don't specialize in resume writing. A resume has to be a marketing piece where ordinary language is converted...

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Professional Resume Writing

What is the real cost of inflation?

Christopher Mariani, October 10 2022

Annual inflation is now running at a rate of approximately 9%. Average annual pay increases are approximately 5%. However, after taxes the net on pay increases is approximately 3.5%. Therefore, disposable income drops by 5.5% a year. Consider this impact over 5 years where disposable income drops by 27.5%. This is devastating to any household incom...

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Professional Resume Writing

You need a career partner, not just a resume writer:

Christopher Mariani, October 6 2022

The last thing you need is someone who will provide a typing job and dot your I's and cross your T's. There is so much more that goes into resume writing. At Resumes Etc ,we are staffed with MBA's, former Fortune 500 executives, former MBA professors and authors. We look at the job market, research occupations with growth, look at industries with g...

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Professional Resume Writing

Defining the ideal career coach:

Christopher Mariani, September 27 2022

Being a career coach is an enormous responsibility. A person's career is always ranked in the top 3 of the most important things in a person's life. Given this fact, a career coach can't be someone who completed a 5 day certification course and now wants to give advice without a solid foundation of experience and knowledge. Alfred (Fred) Mariani, P...

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