There are certain individuals who are extremely gifted at corporate politics. They know how to schmooze and what end to kiss in order to achieve their career goals. They rely on their political skills because they lack the real skills needed to get results and to earn recognition for measurable accomplishments. Then there are the "Doers". They are quiet heroes who simply get the job done and don't rely on politics to be recognized. They refuse to resort to the tactic of kissing backsides to get ahead. What often happens in these situations is that political animals have a short survival rate. Once their so-called "Godfather" is gone, they have to maintain job security based upon actual results, and since they are incapable of goal attainment, their life expectancy is cut short. The "Doers " may have a slower path to career advancement, but their survival rate is high because they get results and they are hard to replace. So be a "Doer" because in the long run, it's a better choice.
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