There are far too many professionals stuck in jobs and in work environments that are highly negative. When it comes to getting out and finding a far better situation, they become their own worst enemy. They suffer from " what if " syndrome, where they ask a lot of negative questions. What if I don't like it there? What if they fire me ? What if it's even worse there? What if my boss is mean? There are so many ways of getting answers to these " what ifs " before accepting a position. Instead, it is wise to also consider positive " what ifs ". What if it's a great work culture? What if there's a positive career path? What if you're paid a lot more? What if you are truly valued? At Resumes Etc. we coach you through strategies to get all of your " what if's " answered. and we create resumes that get you lots of interviews so that you can land your dream job.
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