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Professional Resume Writing

Professional Resume Writing

How do you assess the work culture of a potential employer?

Alfred Mariani, October 19 2021

The last thing anyone wants is to go from one toxic environment to another. At Resumes Etc, we coach you through methods of assessing a work culture. Our method  allows you to accurately assess an employer's culture before any commitment is made. The goal is to move to another employer for all the right reasons and to improve your work environmen...

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Professional Resume Writing

How do I pick the right employer and job?

Andrea Tholen, October 15 2021

There are 7 factors that you should use as a checklist to evaluate the right employer and job. 1) Salary, you want fair market value. 2) Career progression. You want to work for an employer that promotes from within and develops their employees. 3) A positive work culture. You want to work for an employer that values its employees.

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Professional Resume Writing

How do you counter hyper-inflation?

Alfred Mariani, October 14 2021

Many economists are forecasting an inflation rate of 7% and perhaps higher as fuel costs keep rising and as the Federal Reserve keeps printing money. So what are consumers supposed to do? If inflation increases at this rate over the next 4 years, that is a 28% increase in the cost of living, while most employers will freeze wages or minimize meri...

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Professional Resume Writing

Executive & Senior Manager Resumes.

Christopher Mariani, October 13 2021

Preparing resumes for leadership positions requires a special talent. First and foremost, the writer must be a former executive in order to fully understand the scope of responsibilities. The writer should have a MBA degree, be widely recognized and published, and have national recognition. Alfred Fred) Mariani is the president of Resumes Etc. T...

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Professional Resume Writing

How important is a Thank You note after a job interview...

Alfred Mariani, October 12 2021

Failure to send a Thank You, post job interview, can be a job killer. I have found that even a Thank You email falls short of an actual handwritten Thank You Card. It means the job candidate took the time to stop at a card store, purchase a card and  write a personalized Thank You. Now what does that say about the person? It says, Appreciation, T...

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Professional Resume Writing

The biggest resume problems...

Chris Mariani, October 7 2021

I'm not going to state the obvious like spelling and grammar errors, they are a given. 1) Having a friend or family member do your resume. They may have a noble intent, but they can do more damage than good. 2) Doing your own resume. Unless you have access to ATS tracking systems, you can't possibly know what the software is looking for. 3) Bein...

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Professional Resume Writing

How to execute a successful career change...

Andrea Tholen, October 6 2021

Many of our clients are unhappy with their occupation or industry and want to completely reinvent themselves. At Resumes Etc., we go through a methodical process to review your skills and identify the roles and industries where your experience is transferable.  We then provide you with feasible options and package you towards the occupation and c...

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Professional Resume Writing

Your resume determines how your interview goes ...

Chris Mariani, October 5 2021

Believe it or not, the content of your resume frames the interview questions. Let's say you're a teacher and your resume states that you develop lesson plans. You are just stating the obvious. But what if it says " develop innovative lessons to stimulate creativity and critical thinking?" This statement will prompt questions about your creativity...

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Professional Resume Writing

Why executives and senior managers work with Resumes Etc ...

Chris Mariani, September 29 2021

How can a resume writer possibly prepare a resume for an executive unless they have been in a similar role? Our executive writer is Alfred ( Fred ) Mariani, MBA. He has over 20 years as a fortune 500 executive, 12 years as a MBA professor, author of 6 books, widely published articles, coach and consultant to CEO's and COO's, a former advisor to t...

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Professional Resume Writing

How can your resume get you a higher salary...

Chris Mariani, September 28 2021

How you look on paper often communicates potential value to an employer. If your resume reads like a list of tasks or a job description, there is no value associated with your background. On the other hand, a resume that  consists of bullet points that demonstrate the skills that make you unique, results driven  and high energy, an employer will pe...

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