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Chris Mariani, October 7 2021

The biggest resume problems...

 I'm not going to state the obvious like spelling and grammar errors, they are a given.
1) Having a friend or family member do your resume. They may have a noble intent, but they can do more damage than good.
2) Doing your own resume. Unless you have access to ATS tracking systems, you can't possibly know what the software is looking for.
3) Being too specialized. This is where your work experience is very industry specific and your skills are not transferable to other industries.
4) You are a job hopper and move every 1-2 years.
5) You have been in the same position for a very long time with little or no career progression.
6) The reader looks at your resume and has no idea what it is that you actually do. It's not specific and it is confusing.
7) The resume reads like a job description vs a marketing piece.
8) The resume lacks any quantitative or qualitative accomplishments.
9) Your resume is way too long and hiring managers will not read a resume beyond 2 pages.
10) Your resume is boring and lacks dynamic wording that conveys your energy level and results driven philosophy.

At Resumes Etc, we develop and implement strategies that address each of these  issues.

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and read our numerous 5 star reviews.

Written by

Chris Mariani

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