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Career Coaching

Executive Resumes

Lessons learned from Ukrainians:

Andrea Tholen, March 1 2022

Whether we are fighting for democracy, a better work culture or quality of life, Victory goes to those with COURAGE. The Ukrainians are serving as a source of motivation and inspiration. Their message is that we must fight for what we know is right. We must fight for what we believe we deserve. We must fight to pursue our goals. It doesn't matter...

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Career Coaching

You want a promotion? Here's how to get it...

Christopher Mariani, February 28 2022

Getting a promotion is a direct result of  key steps, that when combined, position you for career advancement. 1) Never ever speak negative about the company, it's management, or your peers, NEVER, no matter how tempting. 2) Never trust anyone, even a good friend, who says " you can trust me". Negative comments always come back to hurt you. 3) Ta...

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Career Coaching

Major challenges for executives and senior managers...

Alfred Mariani, February 24 2022

When executives and senior managers lose their positions, finding an equivalent job is a major challenge. They have two main obstacles to overcome. The first is marketing  a high salary. The second is finding opportunities where senior positions are not available in great abundance. Given these facts, executives and senior managers can benefit gr...

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Professional Resume Writing

Why are some people miserable in their jobs?

Andrea Tholen, February 23 2022

There are a number of factors that contribute to unhappiness, and anyone or more of these factors can make your professional life miserable. 1) A negative culture where you are managed by threats and intimidation. 2) An immediate supervisor from hell. 3) No career growth. 4) Lack of pay increases , or pay increases that do not keep up with inflat...

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Professional Resume Writing

If you don't have a career coach, you are losing out on opportunities:

Alfred Mariani, February 22 2022

There are many benefits to having a career coach, and living without these benefits can really short change your career. 1) A career coach performs ongoing research to identify occupations and industries experiencing growth vs decline in order to point you in the right direction. 2)  A career coach will assess your skills, your passions and your...

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Professional Resume Writing

Does your career suffer from "what if" syndrome?

Andrea Tholen, February 17 2022

There are far too many professionals stuck in jobs and in work environments that are highly negative. When it comes to getting out and finding a far better situation, they become their own worst enemy. They suffer from " what if " syndrome, where they ask a lot of negative questions. What if I don't like it there? What if they fire me ? What if i...

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Professional Resume Writing

Turn job interviews into job offers:

Christopher Mariani, February 15 2022

Did you know that the average close rate on job interviews is 10%. That means the average person gets 1 offer for every 10 job interviews. The close rate for our clients is 50%. Here's why!!!. 1) How the resume flows is how the interview goes. Your resume dictates how your job interview goes. That's right!!. A powerful and dynamic resume results...

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Professional Resume Writing

How does a positive work culture increase your market value?

Andrea Tholen, February 15 2022

In a positive work culture you are empowered to make decisions. This allows you to establish leadership qualities, as well as skills in project management and team facilitation. A positive work culture promotes employees from within where they assume increased responsibilities. More responsibilities expands a person's knowledge base and skills. A...

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resume, resume writing, professional resume writer

Is your career clock running slow?

Christopher Mariani, February 10 2022

Individuals who are ambitious and want to achieve their full career potential should be on an aggressive timeline. Successful executives become supervisors by their mid 20's, managers by their late 20's and early 30's, directors by their mid to late thirties, and vice presidents by their late thirties and early 40's. This timeline sets the stage...

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Professional Resume Writing

The art of creating executive and managerial resumes...

Alfred Mariani, February 8 2022

Senior level resumes are not job descriptions. They are a compelling story that informs the reader of one's leadership style and special attributes. An  executive and senior manager is a visionary who establishes an organization with the talent, resources and technology needed to drive results and achieve strategic objectives. An Executive looks...

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