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Professional Resume Writing

Professional Resume Writing

What should you do during a snowstorm...

Andrea Tholen, January 28 2022

You could go outside in 50 mph winds and freeze your butt off, or you can follow our advice. Put a log on the fire, heat up some hot coco, and then give Resumes Etc. a call. We'll be here all day, even during a blizzard. It's such a great time to get your resume updated and start your journey on a new career.

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Professional Resume Writing

Has your career hit a brick wall?

Christopher Mariani, January 27 2022

Prospective employers will often evaluate a job candidate based upon career progression. As a standard guideline, you should be a supervisor by your mid to late 20's, a manager by your early to mid 30's, a director by your late 30's or early 40's and a Vice President by your mid to late 40's. If you do not meet these timelines, then an employer m...

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Professional Resume Writing

How the movie Shawshank Redemption impacts your career...

Alfred Mariani, January 26 2022

Everyone imprisoned at Shawshank was too afraid to try and escape, except for Andy Dufresne. As for the others, the walls that were once their enemy became their friend. They feared that they could not exist outside of the walls. The walls gave them a sense of security, thus they were Shawshanked. The same applies in a negative work culture. No...

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Professional Resume Writing

Are you living your dream...

Andrea Tholen, January 25 2022

The average person graduates from college at age 22 and the average life span is 80 years. This means that you spend 60 years pursuing your dreams and striving for happiness. If you have a horrible job and career, that's 60 years of suffering, and no one deserves that. Let today be the first day of the rest of your life and give Resumes Etc. a ca...

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Professional Resume Writing

Why do our executive and senior manager clients get great job offers?

Chris Mariani, January 24 2022

We focus our resumes on leadership. Employers want to know your leadership philosophy, your strategic planning skills, how you convert vision into actions, how you reinvent organizations, how you lower costs and drive revenues, how you identify and capitalize on new opportunities, how you minimize risks and how you motivate and inspire your team....

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Professional Resume Writing

Why do Executives and Senior Managers fail to land top positions?

Alfred Mariani, January 19 2022

Let's face reality, you don't get to become a senior manager or executive without an ego. I know this first hand because I walked in those shoes. Executives and Senior Managers need to put ego aside and work with true experts on their resume. It is extremely difficult to put your entire career and accomplishments on 2 pages. What should be left ou...

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Professional Resume Writing

The key to success for executives and senior managers...

Chris Mariani, January 18 2022

Creating a resume for senior level  leaders requires a very special talent. A career coach and resume writer for business leaders should have a MBA degree combined with fortune 500 experience in a leadership role. An executive resume must convey the unique skills, qualities and insights that a true leader  brings to the position. A powerful resum...

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Professional Resume Writing

How can Managers & Executives increase their job offer rate:

Alfred Mariani, January 14 2022

More and more employers are asking senior level job candidates to present 30/60/90 day plans as part of the job interview process. Even when employers do not request one, we recommend that our clients present one, because it  impresses employers and dramatically increases job offer rates. A 30/60/90 day plan is a detailed strategy of what the job...

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Professional Resume Writing

Executive & Leadership Profiles:

Andrea Tholen, January 13 2022

If you are a senior manager or executive, you realize that the competition for these jobs is fierce. Given this fact, Resumes Etc. instituted 2 strategies that have given our senior level clients an advantage over their competitors and a 300% increase in offer rates. The first is a " leadership profile" where  we highlight our clients leadership...

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Professional Resume Writing

10 steps that lead to career growth and/or  promotions!

Andrea Tholen, January 12 2022

1) Make certain that you are employed in a positive work culture. Negative work cultures rarely value employees. 2) Commit to ongoing learning. A strong knowledge base makes you much more effective in your role. 3) Assume increasing levels of responsibilities and projects that challenge your creativity and skills.4) Assume responsibility for proj...

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