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Andrea Tholen, January 12 2022

10 steps that lead to career growth and/or  promotions!

1) Make certain that you are employed in a positive work culture. Negative work cultures rarely value employees. 2) Commit to ongoing learning. A strong knowledge base makes you much more effective in your role. 3) Assume increasing levels of responsibilities and projects that challenge your creativity and skills.4) Assume responsibility for projects that require leadership skills. 5) Volunteer to help peers with assignments if they are struggling. Be a coach and mentor. 6) Arrive early and stay late. 7) Never ever talk negatively about a person or the organization--- never. 8) Always support good ideas, even the ones that are not your own. 9) Serve as a catalyst for positive change and encourage others to do the same. 10) Make your immediate supervisor look good. 

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Andrea Tholen

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