Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Alfred Mariani, January 11 2022

How do you know if you're in a negative work culture?

There are 10 key characteristics that define a negative work culture. 1) You're underpaid and overworked. 2) Employee turnover is high.. 3) Your opinions are rarely valued. 4) It's management by threat and intimidation. 5) There is limited career growth. 6) There's no work life balance. 7) You rarely received any thanks for your efforts. 8) You are assigned unrealistic goals and due dates. 9) You lack the resources needed to achieve your goals. 10) It's a very political environment. Let's face reality, you are not going to single handedly change a negative culture. You're only option is to update your resume and work with us to find a job and a culture that you deserve.

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Alfred Mariani

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