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Alfred Mariani, July 11 2022

LinkedIn Profiles, a Key to Success. Here is one of our samples...

Jim Gaylord has been a highly accomplished and award winning Healthcare administrator for a major Metro medical center with over 1000 beds. When he assumed his position, he realized that the hospital was not positioned to succeed in an increasingly competitive market.  He established a leadership development program for all clinical personnel to increase their business acumen. He then established a business development group to focus on marketing, community outreach, media relations, social media and  physician referrals. This was followed by the creation of an "Innovation Program Development" group, combining clinical and marketing talent to create programs tailored towards public education, disease prevention and disease management. These programs helped to effectively brand the medical center within its service territory. He then created a" Data Science" group to collect data on individual patients including their entire history, diagnoses, risk factors, and successful treatment plans. Data Science allowed for faster diagnoses, treatment planning and improved patient outcomes. Jim established these groups with no net cost to the hospital by eliminating functions that were no longer aligned with strategic objectives. The end result has been a 22% increase in physician referral rates, direct referrals from community organizations, and an increase in patient traffic from social media and outreach initiatives. The bottom line has been a 37% increase in annual revenue and an increase of 18% in profitability. Jim's academic credentials include a MBA degree in health care administration from Fordham University.

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Alfred Mariani

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