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3000 Top Rated Reviews

Alfred Mariani, June 21 2022

30/60/90 day plans:

More and more employers are asking senior level job candidates for a 30/60/90 day plan as part of the job interview process. Employers want their upper level management and executives to have a solid plan coming into their new positions. This way they are certain they are picking the correct person for the job with the companies best interests in mind. We have specialized in these plans for over 20 years. Alfred ( Fred ) Mariani, has 2 MBA degrees, 20 years as a fortune 500 executive, 12 years as a MBA professor, consultant to CEO's and COO's, with numerous publications. His  wealth of experience  has been incorporated into 30/60/90 day plans for his clients which have dramatically increased job offer rates. 

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Alfred Mariani

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