Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Andrea Tholen, July 22 2024

Should you prepare your own resume?

My response is to ask a different question: Should you be your own doctor, lawyer, or accountant? It’s always better to work with a true professional in this field. Unfortunately, many so-called resume writers lack the credentials and experience needed to provide what you really need. Some may claim to be certified resume writers, but anyone can take that class and be certified. Instead, look for credentials such as advanced degrees, publications, and Fortune 500 executive experience. The best test is to measure the writer's knowledge of your occupation and industry. If you’re a supply chain director in manufacturing, ask the writer to demonstrate their understanding of that role with tough questions. You'll find that very few meet these standards. At Resumes Etc., we pride ourselves on conveying our knowledge, ensuring you realize you’ve come to the best place.  

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Written by

Andrea Tholen

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