Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Andrea Tholen, March 11 2024

Our executive coaching services:

No matter what your profession, industry or position level, the acquisition of knowledge will always accelerate your career. If you are operating under the assumption that you already possess all the knowledge you need, then you will miss out on a great opportunity. We have helped many of our clients excel in their current roles and advance their career through several promotions. We can't help clients who are convinced that they have all of the answers, but for those you are willing to admit that they are imperfect, we can be of great value. Our company President is Alfred (Fred) Mariani who has coached clients for 30 years. If you want to see Fred's bio, go to our website at, and on our  homepage, click onto" about us" and then " our credentials".

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Andrea Tholen

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