Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Andrea Tholen, October 22 2021

How we help recent college graduates get good jobs.

We have been in  the business of resumes, careers and job searching for 30 years. We are still amazed at how ill prepared college graduates are to enter the job market. Their resumes look like text book cookie cutter samples. There is a lack of keywords for ATS tracking systems and their resume shows little or no value they can bring to an employer. Worst of all, they are ill equipped to answer interview questions. I mean real interview questions, not the ones in a college textbook. We specialize in packaging college graduates for real jobs and real careers with a 90+ percent success rate. So if you want to put the icing on the cake of your expensive college education investment, get the job you deserve... give us a call today. 

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and read our numerous 5 star reviews.

Written by

Andrea Tholen

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