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Christopher Mariani, May 21 2019

How do I ask for a raise?

Asking for a raise can be difficult... 
When is a good time...
Will I get what I want ...
Is there a strategy...  

There are many factors that go into a decision to ask for a pay increase.  How is the company doing financially?  If there are financial issues, you may be viewed as selfish and not a team player.  What is the corporate culture?  If negative, any request can be risky.  How long have you been on the job?  If less than a year, you may be viewed as impatient.  There are several tips we can pass along that may assist you in deciding when and how to ask for a raise.

1.    Make certain that you have a track record of proven accomplishments to demonstrate value to your employer.

2.    Be in the position long enough to establish a track record.

3.    Earn the respect of your supervisor, peers and other associates.

4.    Closely observe the results of others, with a good reputation, who have asked for a raise.

5.    Be mindful of the company’s culture and financial situation.

6.    Never demand a raise, ask for one.

7.    Begin the conversation with how appreciative you are for the opportunity to work for the company and the positive experience you have had.

8.    Do not compare yourself to anyone else.  You’re there to take about you.

9.    Do not ask for a raise, for the sake of a raise.  Discuss the rising cost of living, tax increases and other factors affecting your disposable income.

10.    Talk about your accomplishments and the additional responsibilities that you have assumed, as well as any additional skills you have acquired.

11.    Discuss your wish to remain with the company because it’s where you see your future.

12.    State that you will accept any decision that is made, and that you would appreciate any consideration you may receive.

13.    Express a willingness to take on more responsibility.

14.    Thank your supervisor for his/her time.

The key to success begins with diplomacy.  Diplomacy is supported by facts.  Never, ever use threats or ultimatums. 

For more info call Resumes Etc. 203.268.5636

Written by

Christopher Mariani

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