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Alfred Mariani, February 1 2022

How do I ask for a pay increase/raise?

 Before asking for a pay increase it is important to assess the culture of your company. If it's a negative culture, asking for a pay increase may be a risky proposition. One thing I recommend is to do your homework and find out what happened to other employees who asked for pay increases? Were they fired, or was their request viewed in a positive light? If you work in a positive culture, asking for a pay increase should be preceded by several steps. 

1) make certain that you have been on the job long enough to justify consideration. 

2) Have a list of qualitative and quantitative accomplishments. 

3) Have a list of additional responsibilities that you have assumed. 

4) Demonstrate how you have increased your knowledge base and skills, and the added value that these skills bring to the company.

5) Share your positive performance evaluations. 

6) Do not demand a raise, diplomatically ask for one with evidence supporting that you deserve an increase.

7) Do not give your employer an ultimatum. Always emphasize your happiness with your job and the company. 

If you have not taken these steps, you need to do so before asking for a raise, which will dramatically increase your chances of earning consideration.

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Alfred Mariani

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