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Andrea Tholen, August 8 2023

Harness and Highlight Your Interpersonal Skills:

Employers are not just looking for technical expertise; they also value strong interpersonal skills. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of emphasizing your ability to collaborate, communicate, and lead within your resume. Highlighting your unique communication style will show that you're more than just a skillset - you're a valuable team player. 

Highlight Your Interpersonal Skills: Employers are not just looking for technical expertise; they also want team players and communicators. Showcase your ability to collaborate, lead, and inspire others. Emphasize your unique communication style, whether it's warm and approachable or analytical and concise.

(Stay tuned tomorrow for the continued "Personality in Resumes" series.)

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Written by

Andrea Tholen

Previous The Power of Storytelling in Resumes:
Next Tailoring Your Resume to Fit Company Culture: