Resumes Since 1991


3000 Top Rated Reviews

Alfred Mariani, February 8 2023

10 signs of a toxic work culture:

1) you are micromanaged with little or no empowerment or opportunity to be creative. 2) You rarely get annual pay increases, or increases fall far below the inflation rate, or they keep changing your compensation structure. 3) There is very little career growth and most promotions go to outsiders or favored individuals. Good performance is never, or inadequately rewarded.  4) Employee turnover is high. 5) The physical environment does not include professional cubicles or offices. 6) The leadership style is management by threat and intimidation. 7) There is no work life balance. 8) Everyone is out for themselves and no one can be trusted. 9) Failure or risk-taking is punished. 10) Sunday is the worst day of the week for you because you spend it thinking about Monday. Now ask yourself if you can live with any one or more of these factors. If it's time for a change, give us a call so we can land you that dream job.

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Alfred Mariani

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